Tue. Feb 11th, 2025

 have GREAT News, I finally QUIT Smoking, and now It’s time to share my story, It Could save your life!

I started up smoking at the age of 17 and I am now 32yrs old I would smoke up to a pack a day.

My doctor warned me about my smoking habits like they all do. But this time it was serious I developed a tumour growth and had to have a major operation back in September 2011 to remove it. After the operation I promised my wife and kids I would quit smoking. I used to watch the ads on tv thinking it will never happen to me I know guys that have lived till their late 70s smoking like a train. But I knew inside myself even though yes they did live their health still wasn’t good.

The Main Issues I Faced When Trying To Quit Smoking

  • Shortness Of Breath
  • Insomnia
  • Strong Cravings
  • Irritability And Anxiety
  • Increased Appetite
  • Nausea

I tried a few things first hypnosis which set me back a few hundred but had no success after a week I was back smoking. After hypnosis I tried the nicotine patches I started off with one patch and the cravings where fierce so I ended up at one point with 3 patches on my body at one time I was in a state of desperation.

Quit smoking word written with broken cigarette concept for quitting smoking

I didn’t want to keep poisoning my body with nicotine anymore. I went into a state of depression feeling I had lost the fight and my tumour would come back and grim ripper would soon follow.

Like any dad out there I didn’t want to have my kids grow up without me there. My doctor prescribed me with anti-depressants which made me feel even more rundown and constantly cranky. My wife ended up throwing the pills into the bin and demanded I search for another answer.

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